Breeding and Pre-whelping Management in Dogs
Oestrous cycle:
The average age at the time of puberty in female dogs is 9 – 10 months of age, but can range from 6 to 24 months of age. The time between oestrous cycles, is extremely variable and can range from 4 – 12 months. The oestrous cycle is divided into four components – proestrous and oestrous, dioestrous and anoestrous.
What is involved in a season or heat (pro-oestrous and oestrous):
Pro-oestrous: begins with vulval swelling and blood tinged vulval discharge (can last 3 – 17 days)
Oestrous: is the acceptance of mating. Each oestrous period can last from 3 – 21 days, with an average of 9 days. During this phase the vulva will be less turgid and the vulval discharge is usually less bloody.
Progesterone assays:
The collection of blood for a progesterone assay, allows us to determine when ovulation has occurred, and thus the optimal time to breed.
Often serial (every 2-3 days) progesterone assays will need to be collected , depending on the initial results.
Ovulation occurs when progesterone level is 16 –24nmol/L
Fertilisation should occur 2 days after ovulation. (So if the method of artificial insemination is being used we will use progesterone levels to determine the point of ovulation and then recommend artificial insemination 2 days later.)
Progesterone levels can also be measured prior to whelping – a caesarean can be performed (to ensure viable pups) if progesterone concentration is below 7.5nmol/L
Artificial insemination (AI)
Artificial insemination is carried out to assist in the optimal placement of semen in the vagina
Artificial insemination is indicated in dogs that are physically incapable of natural service, or in assisting those who have reduced libido.
This process is required when using frozen or chilled semen, to ensure the best chances are taken to obtain a successful pregnancy
Semen is collected manually from the male and evaluated prior to insemination
Diagnostic imaging to confirm successful pregnancy/foetal viability include:
Can be performed 3.5-4 weeks following mating
Are used to accurately determine the number of foetuses
Must be done after 50 days of pregnancy
Only one radiograph study is to be done (excessive radiation exposure can damage the foetuses)
Pregnancy length in dogs depends on the type of mating:
With artificial insemination: 61 days
Natural mating (from first mating date): 63 (± 7 days)
Predicting labour:
Transient decrease in rectal temperature in most dogs (by 1.1 – 1.7°C) will usually occur 6-18 hours before parturition.
Loss of appetite during the last 24-48 hours of gestation
Nesting behaviour
Progesterone assays (as mentioned above)
Stages of labour:
Stage 1:
Signs: nesting, restlessness, shivering, anorexia, panting
Can start contractions
The cervix dilates during this stage
Lasts 6 – 12 hours.
Stage 2:
Obvious abdominal contractions
Passage of amniotic fluid
Delivery of puppy
Should occur within 3-6 hours, with inter-pup interval of 20-30 minutes.
Stage 3:
The placenta should be passed 5-15 minutes after the birth of each neonate. All should be passed in 4-6 hours.
The dam removes amniotic membrane and cleans the neonate
She will severe the umbilical cord and eat the placenta
If she fails to remove the membrane from the neonates face the owner should do so.
Cleaning the pup is important for bonding between the dam and neonate.
Dystocia (difficulty whelping)
Is most common in chrondrodysplastic (e.g. Dachshunds) and brachycephalic (e.g. bulldogs, Boston terriers) breeds
Two most common causes –
Uterine inertia – failure to develop and maintain uterine contractions sufficient for normal progression of labour.
Foetal mal-presentation
Early recognition is very important and to seek veterinary attention if you have any concerns
Indicators of dystocia:
Stage 1 labour hasn’t progressed to stage 2 within 12 hours
First pup hasn’t been born within 2 hours of amniotic fluid
Abnormal vulvar discharge (green discolouration, haemorrhage)
Foetal membranes
Partially delivered foetus for more than 10 minutes.
Dam discomfort – abdominal contractions without progress, vocalisation, signs of pain.
More than 1 hour of active labour between births
Labour appears to have stopped before entire litter delivered
Any sign of illness in full-term female
History of previous dystocia
A female dog’s nutrient requirement during lactation is greater than at any other life stage.
During gestation, particularly the last few weeks you should be feeding a good quality (Hills, Royal Canin or Advance) highly energy and protein dense food, such as puppy (growth) food. This should be continued throughout the lactation period.
Husbandry management of pups:
If the dam is not producing enough milk, the pups may require supplementary feeding with a milk replacer such as Di Vetelact. Feeding should occur every 2 hours.
The pups should be kept in a clean and warm environment.
You should start to introduce solid food to the pups at 4-5 weeks of age, using a good quality puppy food (premium brands include Hills, Royal Canin and Advance).
The pups should be wormed at 2, 4, 6, 8 weeks of age
The pups can be vaccinated and microchipped from 6 weeks of age
If you need further advice on the breeding of your dog, or on her management during her pregnancy and after whelping, contact us to book an appointment.