Ovine Brucellosis
Ovine brucellosis is present in many sheep flocks in New South Wales. It occurs in all districts, in all breeds and causes considerable economic loss in many flocks, through ram wastage, low lamb-marking percentages and long drawn-out lambing seasons. It causes epididymitis in rams, resulting in infertility and sterility in some affected rams. In some flocks, it also causes abortion in a small percentage of ewes. Ovine brucellosis is caused by infection of the sheep with Brucella ovis bacteria, found in the semen of infected rams, in foetal fluids and in the mammary glands of infected ewes.
This DPI Primefact below contains information on the following:
Differences between normal and affected reproductive organs in the ram
Symptoms in the ewe
Effect on flock fertility
Spread of infection between rams
Diagnosis and control
Eradication from stud and commercial flocks
Prevention of re-infection of the flock
Accredited ovine brucellosis free flock scheme.
NSW Department Of Primary Industries
Ovine Brucellosis Fact Sheet
NSW Ovine Brucellosis
Accreditation Scheme Guidelines.
Please contact our clinic if you need advice on Ovine Brucellosis or the Ovine Brucellosis Accreditation Scheme. Our vets are accredited and able to carry out property risk assessments and Ovine Brucellosis disease testing.
© State of New South Wales through NSW Department of Industry